
This section explains the Retention feature and how it can be used to remove completed workflow instances automatically.


To get started with the retention module, you must enable the retention feature.

elsa.UseRetention(r =>
    r.SweepInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
    r.AddDeletePolicy("Delete all finished workflows", _ => new RetentionWorkflowInstanceFilter()
        WorkflowStatus = WorkflowStatus.Finished

The SweepInterval determines how often the retention feature will check for workflows that match any of the configured policies. By default, the retention module provides an AddDeletePolicy method, which deletes workflow instances that match the given RetentionWorkflowInstanceFilter.

Note that the policy takes a function that returns a RetentionWorkflowInstanceFilter.

This function is called during every SweepInterval.


Delete a workflow if it has been Finished for over an hour:

elsa.UseRetention(r =>
    r.SweepInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30);
    r.AddDeletePolicy("Delete all finished workflows", sp =>
        ISystemClock clock = sp.GetRequiredService<ISystemClock>();
        DateTimeOffset threshold = clock.UtcNow.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromHours(1));
        return new RetentionWorkflowInstanceFilter()
            TimestampFilters =
                new TimestampFilter()
                    Column = nameof(WorkflowInstance.FinishedAt),
                    Operator = TimestampFilterOperator.LessThanOrEqual,
                    Timestamp = threshold
            WorkflowStatus = WorkflowStatus.Finished

In this example, we use Elsa's provided ISystemClock to access the current time and filter workflow instances that finished more than an hour ago. Since the filter is re-created during each SweepInterval, we can use clock.UtcNow to calculate the threshold dynamically.


The retention module allows for easy extension to add new types of policies or to include additional entities in the existing policies.

Extra Entities

Let's say you have custom WorkflowInstanceData created with every workflow instance that also needs to be removed.

Entity Collector

First, define an IRelatedEntityCollector<TEntity> that, given a set of workflow instances, returns the related WorkflowInstanceData records.

public class WorkflowInstanceDataRecordCollector(WorkflowInstanceDataDbContext store) : IRelatedEntityCollector<WorkflowInstanceData>
    public async IAsyncEnumerable<ICollection<WorkflowInstanceData>> GetRelatedEntities(ICollection<WorkflowInstance> workflowInstances)
        // TODO: Get WorkflowInstanceData for the given workflowInstances

Cleanup Strategy

Next, define a cleanup strategy for each policy you wish to support. In this example, we’ll implement a strategy to delete WorkflowInstanceData records.

public class DeleteWorkflowInstanceDataRecordStrategy(WorkflowInstanceDataDbContext store, ILogger<DeleteWorkflowInstanceDataRecordStrategy> logger) : IDeletionCleanupStrategy<WorkflowInstanceData>
    public async Task Cleanup(ICollection<WorkflowInstanceData> collection)
        // TODO: Delete WorkflowInstanceData

Register Dependencies

Finally, register the DeleteWorkflowInstanceDataRecordStrategy and WorkflowInstanceDataRecordCollector in the dependency container:

Services.AddScoped<IDeletionCleanupStrategy<WorkflowInstanceData>, DeleteWorkflowInstanceDataRecordStrategy>();
Services.AddScoped<IRelatedEntityCollector<WorkflowInstanceData>, WorkflowInstanceDataRecordCollector>();

Different Cleanup Strategies

Another way to extend the retention feature is by using different cleanup strategies. For example, you could archive workflow instances to a different storage provider.

Defining a Marker Interface

First, create a marker interface for the archiving cleanup strategy:

public interface IArchivingStrategy<TEntity> : ICleanupStrategy<TEntity>

Defining the Policy

Next, define a policy

/// <summary>
/// A policy that archives the workflow instance and its related entities.
/// </summary>
public class ArchivingRetentionPolicy(string name, Func<IServiceProvider, RetentionWorkflowInstanceFilter> filter) : IRetentionPolicy
    public string Name { get; } = name;
    public Func<IServiceProvider, RetentionWorkflowInstanceFilter> FilterFactory { get; } = filter;

    public Type CleanupStrategy => typeof(IArchivingStrategy<>);

Note: In the CleanupStrategy property, we specify our marker interface (IArchivingStrategy). This allows the retention module to scan for all implementations of IArchivingStrategy when executing the ArchivingRetentionPolicy.

Implementing the Strategy

Next, implement the IArchivingStrategy for each entity that needs to be archived. The implementation is similar to the CleanupStrategy in the extra entities example, but instead of deleting the entities, you can move them to a different storage provider.

When implementing a new policy, ensure that you provide an ICleanupStrategy<TEntity> for the following entities:

  • ActivityExecutionRecord

  • StoredBookmark

  • WorkflowExecutionLogRecord

  • WorkflowInstance

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