Persistent Database

This topic provides steps to set up Elsa Server and Studio with a PostgreSQL database using Docker Compose. PostgreSQL is used as an example - other database engines are supported as well, including MySql and SQL Server.

Docker Compose Configuration

Below is the Docker Compose file used to set up Elsa with PostgreSQL:


        image: postgres:latest
        command: -c 'max_connections=2000'
            POSTGRES_USER: elsa
            POSTGRES_PASSWORD: elsa
            POSTGRES_DB: elsa
            - postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
            - "5432:5432"

        image: elsaworkflows/elsa-server-and-studio-v3-3-0-preview:latest
        pull_policy: always
            ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT: Development
            HTTP_PORTS: 8080
            HTTP__BASEURL: http://localhost:14000
            DATABASEPROVIDER: PostgreSql
            CONNECTIONSTRINGS__POSTGRESQL: Server=postgres;Username=elsa;Database=elsa;Port=5432;Password=elsa;SSLMode=Prefer;MaxPoolSize=2000;Timeout=60
            - "14000:8080"
            - postgres


Configuration Details

The Docker Compose file defines two services:

  • PostgreSQL Service: A PostgreSQL database container configured with the following settings:

    • User: elsa

    • Password: elsa

    • Database: elsa

    • Max Connections: 2000

  • Elsa Server + Studio: A container running Elsa Server and Studio, configured to use PostgreSQL as the database provider.

    • Environment Variables: Defines DATABASEPROVIDER as PostgreSql and the PostgreSQL connection string in CONNECTIONSTRINGS__POSTGRESQL.

    • Ports: Maps port 14000 on the host to 8080 in the container.

Supported Database Providers

Elsa supports multiple database providers, which can be configured using the DATABASEPROVIDER environment variable:

  • SqlServer

  • Sqlite (default)

  • MySql

  • PostgreSql

In this setup, PostgreSql is used as the database provider.

Running the Services

To run the services defined in the Docker Compose file, use the following command:

docker-compose up

Once the services are running, you can access Elsa Studio by navigating to http://localhost:14000.

Last updated